Joyful – Today I Choose to Be Joyful

Joyful – feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness

Today I choose to be joyful. Sadhguru says, The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it. Choosing joy is not about what you do or what you do not do. Joy is about how you are within yourself. Joy is one of the highest and best states of being we can embrace. The Dali Lama and Archbishop DESMOND Tutu value joy so tremendously, they met in Dharamsala India for a week to collaborate on ’“The Book of Joy” where they describe the eight pillars of joy or 8 necessary ingredients for being joyful. 4 of the pillars are mind-related; perspective, humility, humor and acceptance and four are heart related; forgiveness gratitude, compassion and generosity. You’ve no doubt become very familiar with these words throughout these chapters as they are fundamental to not only experiencing joy, but to living your fullest, best version of your life.

So how can you be joyful today? Starting with your mind:

  • Broaden your perspective to see yourself and your situation in the best, possible light.
  • Embrace humility, which should not be confused as low self esteem but rather seeing yourself as one with everyone else; not separate, better than or more special.
  • Cultivate humor; a true springboard to joy. Being able to see the humor in a situation and being able to laugh at yourself are a fast track to joy.
  • Accept reality and work with what you have. Acceptance is not giving up, rather acknowledging where you are and what is going on and dealing with your situation as it is rather than wishing it was something else.

With your heart:

  • Forgive others and especially yourself for an real or imagined transgressions. Much as you would forgive a child, forgive yourself for any wrong-doings, real or perceived, that you’ve been beating yourself up about.
  • Be grateful for everything and everyone you have in your life. By turning your attention to the things you are grateful for, any perceived lack fades.
  • View others with compassion; put yourself in other’s shoes, especially when potential conflict arises.
  • Finally exercise generosity of spirit for when we are generous and kind to others, true joy blossoms.

For an amazing read on being joyful:


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