Mindful – Today I Choose to be Mindful

Mindful Zen Spa What does being "mindful" mean? The term mindful has become front and foremost lately but not many of us actually understand what it means or how to achieve such a lofty state. Being mindful is focusing one's awareness and attention on the present moment. However our ever-present smartphones, tablets, and computers keep us very connected…

Grateful – Today I Choose to be Grateful

Choose to be Grateful Practicing being grateful has been shown to be one of the simplest and most effective habits to transform your life. People who have regular gratitude practices report sleeping better, enjoy better relationships, reach more of their goals, show more kindness and compassion for others and generally lead happier lives.  So transformative is the practice of…

Joyful – Today I Choose to Be Joyful

Joyful Joyful - feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness Today I choose to be joyful. Sadhguru says, The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it. Choosing joy is not about what you do or what you do not do. Joy is about how…